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Due to its geographical location, Algeria has one of the highest levels of solar exposure in the world, particularly in the high plateau and Sahara regions. Despite this advantage, renewable electricity currently represents only 2% of the country's energy mix. With an installed renewable energy capacity, predominantly from photovoltaic sources, Algeria's potential for wind energy, especially in the South-East and Tamanrasset region, remains largely untapped.

Renewable and clean hydrogen energy holds significant potential to support Algeria’s net-zero development and decarbonize its current industries. Additionally, Algeria aims to develop new net-zero industries to enhance its independence from fossil fuels and imports. As a major consumer and exporter of ammonia and urea fertilizers, which are currently produced using natural gas-based hydrogen, Algeria's fertilizer industry alone used 5.5 million tonnes of fertilizer in 2018, resulting in approximately 180 million tonnes of CO2e, including upstream emissions. Transitioning to locally produced clean hydrogen for ammonia and urea production would help Algeria achieve its climate mitigation and industrial sustainable development goals..

Algeria is part of the UNIDO's Global Clean Hydrogen Programme, funded by GEF. In cooperation with key stakeholders, this Child Project aims to enhance national institutional capacities, enable supportive policy frameworks, and improve technological readiness and financial mechanisms to successfully promote and adopt clean hydrogen in Algeria.