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Financing and investment


Our Mission in this field

We are dedicated to mobilizing funding for hydrogen projects in developing countries.

Despite the decarbonisation potential of clean hydrogen and the pivotal role that it can play in industrial and socio-economic growth, particularly in developing countries endowed with abundant renewable energy potential, funding committed to hydrogen projects in developing countries remains low. Developing countries require support to realize green hydrogen opportunities, and financial support is key. The funding committed to hydrogen projects in developing countries remains low due to persisting barriers and uncertainties in regulatory, economic, and financing aspects.

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, UNIDO does not have funds at its disposal to allocate to hydrogen projects. Still, it can work with its Member States to develop hydrogen project proposals and jointly help to raise funding for them. UNIDO also assists countries in creating enabling framework conditions to mobilize investments and funding for hydrogen projects. This includes UNIDO's work under the policy and skills focus areas.

Recognizing the need to understand ongoing initiatives where public and private resources are allocated along the clean hydrogen value chain in developing countries, UNIDO, in cooperation with the Breakthrough Agenda, the World Bank and IRENA, has committed to conducting regular mapping exercises of financial initiatives available for clean hydrogen projects in developing countries. At the international level, such a survey helps to support DFIs and active players in financing by identifying missing financing gaps. It also helps UNIDO gauge what financial assistance is available from development finance institutions, development agencies, and donors to developing countries and how best to raise funding for potential hydrogen projects.


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8 May 2024 Publication
Mapping of financial and technical assistance of clean hydrogen
UNIDO, in cooperation with the Breakthrough Agenda, and with early-stage inputs by the World Bank andIRENA, developed a mapping exercise of financial and technical initiatives on clean hydrogen for developingcountries to shed light on ongoing financial and technical assistance initiatives. The mapping exercise wasdistributed to development finance institutions, international development agencies and governments toidentify ongoing hydrogen assistance measures throughout its value chain.
16 May 2022 News
UNIDO and Morocco reinforce partnership to drive green industrial development
RABAT, 16 May 2022 – Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), is making an official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco to discuss future cooperation between UNIDO and Morocco.The Director General met with Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government of Morocco, and agreed on stronger cooperation and a new joint initiative on green hydrogen.Müller said, “Together, we have achieved great success in many areas to advance industrial development in the country. We have cooperated on more than 250 projects, and in 2019 we signed a new framework for cooperation: the Programme for Country Partnership. Today, we renew our commitment to take this cooperation further.”During a meeting with Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Industry and Trade, the two agreed to join forces to accelerate the Programme for Country Partnership, implement a road map for the decarbonization of industry and mobilize green funding. They also launched a portal on industrial zones, jointly developed with MCA-Morocco (a programme agreed by Morocco and the US Millennium Challenge Corporation) to promote investment in industry and strengthen competitiveness.In a second joint declaration, signed by Müller, Mezzour, and Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, UNIDO and Morocco agreed to accelerate the use of green hydrogen in industry.Mezzour said, “This new impetus given to our partnership will promote the emergence of highly relevant projects responding to the major challenges of our industry, particularly in terms of industrial decarbonization and resilient, inclusive and sustainable development, as well as the priorities of the Kingdom’s New Development Model. It will undoubtedly contribute to achieving our goal of making Morocco the most competitive low-carbon industrial base in the world.”For his part, Müller underlined, “UNIDO will provide strong support to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, which directly contributes to Morocco`s New Development Model. As we join forces with other UN agencies, UNIDO will use its partnership platform to support Morocco in renewable energy, a circular economy and data-driven industry to realize ambitious decarbonization goals for the industrial sector and the Sustainable Development Goals”.The UNIDO delegation started the mission in Morocco by visiting the Mohammed V Mausoleum to pay tribute to the late sovereigns, King Hassan II and King Mohammed V.