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Our mission in this field

We are dedicated to advocating for developing countries.

To leverage the potential of the hydrogen economy, developing countries need to coordinate their strategic and implementation plans and consolidate resources efficiently. 

The development of a hydrogen economy represents a promising and multi-faceted endeavour that requires close cooperation and coordination between various stakeholders at national, regional, and international levels. At the national level, it is essential to provide a voice to all relevant partners: ministries, industry and business, financial institutions, academic and research organizations, local community and NGOs to ensure that all voices are heard and ensure a more inclusive and sustainable hydrogen transition. At the regional level, there may be a need to integrate infrastructure and share the risks and benefits of hydrogen projects, all requiring regional collaboration.  International collaboration is crucial for addressing challenges and bottlenecks through knowledge sharing, technology adoption, intergovernmental MoU, financing, and certification to bridge gaps and ensure the acceleration of a hydrogen economy. 

The multi-stakeholder approach resonates with the UNIDO strategy to promote an inclusive and just hydrogen economy. Through its Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry, UNIDO maintains regular communication with relevant stakeholders from the Member States. This collaborative approach facilitates an in-depth understanding of the emerging economies' requirements and fosters constructive dialogue and information exchange among them.

UNIDO is also actively participating in global fora activities such as G20, COP and many other hydrogen-specific platforms to advocate for the specific needs and challenges its Member States face when pursuing their hydrogen visions.

UNIDO actively participates in various international initiatives, such as the Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda, with the aim of coordinating efforts to effectively resolve the bottlenecks of hydrogen development.

In July 2023, during the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM14) Meeting, the founding members of the International Hydrogen Trade Forum requested that UNIDO take on the coordinator role. In this capacity, UNIDO facilitates cooperation among government members and industrial leaders and incorporates the perspectives and considerations of developing countries and transition economies. UNIDO supports forming a global hydrogen market by facilitating dialogue and leveraging its extensive network for technical assistance and policy guidance.

“UNIDO’s commitment to the International Hydrogen Trade Forum aligns well with its Global Program for Hydrogen Industry objectives. We see a fitting role for UNIDO to help bridge the gap between countries within the CEM community and those who are not part of the CEM yet”, stated the DG Müller of UNIDO.





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8 November 2022 News
COP27: UNIDO to support new Global Renewable Hydrogen Forum
SHARM EL-SHEIKH – UNIDO Director General, Gerd Müller, took part in the “Investing in the Future of Energy: Green Hydrogen” high-level roundtable at COP27, co-chaired by Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of Arab Republic of Egypt, and Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany.The roundtable focused on ways to enhance investments in the field of green hydrogen to confront climate change and activate the role of the private sector.In his opening remarks, President El-Sisi stressed, “Green hydrogen represents a real opportunity for economic development that is compatible with efforts to confront climate change and with the Paris Agreement goals.”In his statement, Chancellor Scholz said “Green hydrogen is the key to decarbonizing our economies, especially for hard-to-electrify sectors such as steel production, the chemical industry, heavy shipping and aviation.”There was a major announcement with President El-Sisi, and Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, launching the Global Renewable Hydrogen Forum. The Forum is billed as a multi-stakeholder public-private platform to facilitate the use of renewable hydrogen to foster the decarbonization of industries and accelerate a just transition, and to identify the best instruments to enable the cross-border trade of renewable hydrogen between renewables-rich developing countries and developed countries.UNIDO’s Gerd Müller welcomed the founding of the Forum, describing it as a global platform to exchange knowledge and technology. He said, “We need it worldwide, not in the European Union. And we need it to define a global framework…UNIDO is the industrial agency and partner for Egypt and Europe to implement this multi-stakeholder platform designed to facilitate large-scale deployments of renewable hydrogen.”Müller concluded, “Our common goal must be to make sure developing countries and emerging economies have access to the benefits of green hydrogen.”
8 November 2022 News
IRENA and UNIDO support a global energy transition through green hydrogen
SHARM EL-SHEIKH, 8 November 2022 – Francesco La Camera, Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), have signed a joint declaration on advancing sustainable energy through the fundamental role of green hydrogen.In their statement made at the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, both organizations’ heads declared they would jointly advance the transition towards sustainable energy through green hydrogen in pursuit of access to energy, energy security and economic development.Furthermore, IRENA and UNIDO intend to leverage international cooperation as an enabling platform to facilitate investment, policies and clean technology to accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
7 November 2022 Article
Green Hydrogen: The energy opportunity for decarbonization and developing countries
Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, and it represents to us a unique opportunity for a clean energy transition. The past years show clearly just how close to a climate catastrophe we are living. Climate change is an existential threat to a sustainable future. Facing up to the climate challenge is an opportunity to promote prosperity and a brighter future for all.Green hydrogen (GH2) and its derivatives will play a vital role in that transition. Hydrogen is classified as “green” – a clean and renewable energy carrier – when it is produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy.GH2 is a game changer for the hard-to-abate sectors such as steel, cement and the chemical industry, which cannot readily be electrified. It is currently the only way we have to decarbonize these sectors.GH2 is versatile as it can be used as a combustion fuel or as feedstock for industrial processes. It can also be converted back into electricity in a fuel cell. Compared to grid renewable electricity, it can be more easily stored and transported over long distances for use further from the initial renewable energy source.Because GH2 electrolysis does not need to be near geographically concentrated or hard-to-extract resources, it can be key in establishing energy security.Derivatives of GH2, , such as green ammonia and green methanol, are long-term energy carriers. They store surplus renewable electricity produced during periods of low demand. Just like GH2, its derivatives can be used as industrial energy source, be used as green feedstock, or used as green transportation fuel.Green Hydrogen is a game changer for the hard-to-abate sectors such as steel, cement and the chemical industry, which cannot readily be electrified.Green hydrogen needs green energy: the transition needs a huge increase in renewable energy generation.Green ammonia is synthetically manufactured by combining nitrogen with hydrogen using renewable energy sources. Green ammonia can be applied in sustainable fertilizer production, thereby contributing to decarbonizing the food value chain, while supporting agricultural productivity and food security.We still have our work cut out for us in making the energy transition a reality. No mature GH2market exists yet. It is however encouraging that the number of countries with national hydrogen roadmaps has tripled over the last year. This shows that many countries are readying themselves to start using GH2 and planning how best to benefit from the economic opportunities it will provide.At UNIDO, we are putting together development programmes to help developing countries achieve this goal and realize the opportunities for sustainable industrialization that follow.
1 September 2022 News
COP 27 green hydrogen event
1. ABOUT THE EVENTThe special evening event “Future Energy – Green Hydrogen” will bring together representatives and experts from developing and developed countries to discuss future energy concepts in a creative atmosphere, visualizing the potential of green hydrogen.Organizers: UNIDO in cooperation with the Egyptian COP 27 Presidency and partners (see below) 2. TARGET AUDIENCEPolicymakersDelegates of UNFCCC COP27Representatives of international organizationsCEOs/heads of private sector and finance companiesAcademiaRepresentatives of civil society3. AGENDAOpening by high-level representatives from the Government of Egypt and UNIDO Director GeneralFuture Energy – Green HydrogenWe only have one planet!The voice of future generations4. LIVESTREAMINGThe event will be livestreamed via YouTube on 9 November 2022 at 19:00 -20:00 (UTC +2)