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Costa Rica

Costa Rica has produced over 98% of its electricity in the last years using renewable energy sources. The abundance of renewable energy creates a massive opportunity for green hydrogen production.

Pilot projects and studies developed in the country show the technical feasibility of generating green hydrogen from water electrolysis using renewable energy and the possible use of H2 in different applications.

UNIDO’s Programme for Hydrogen in Industry has supported Costa Rica in capacity and skills development



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2 July 2022 Article
Industrial and innovation policy can speed up the Green Hydrogen transition
Green hydrogen (GH2) as a means to decarbonize industry is now well-ingrained in the policy discourse. Around 45 countries are devising or have published hydrogen strategies, and several agreements have been concluded between countries to set up tomorrow’s trade routes for hydrogen. Despite these efforts, we are still far from a world where GH2 plays a key role as a source of energy, given that demand for GH2 is limited and the infrastructure for GH2 is confined to industrial areas. Moreover, global electrolyser capacity amounts to just a few hundred megawatts, which lies significantly below the target of 115 GW by 2030 to meet the GH2 demands for all the published and announced strategies, and again far below the forecasted target of 5 TW by 2050, according to IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook.